NPN Environmental has successfully worked within Voluntary Cleanup Programs (VCP) and Brownfield guidelines to provide our clients with real-world solutions. Our team has enrolled in and completed numerous projects within Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) VCP along with several other State Brownfield programs. These projects include successful enrollment and issuance of “No Further Action” letters from state agencies. We assist in all aspects of regulatory NOVs including plan development, remediation, and reporting. Preparation of plans to meet requirements of Federal, State, and Local regulatory agencies is a strength of NPN Environmental’s remediation consulting team.
Our professionals provide clients with the guidance and solutions required to minimize future liability while pursuing a cost-effective approach to resolving remediation issues with foremost attention to time management, cleanup levels, and budget constraints.
If an emergency response is required, we are committed to responding promptly to minimize environmental impact or health risks. Although we are not an “emergency response contractor,” our clients can reach us 24 hours a day in the event of an environmental emergency. We assist our clients with contaminant spills, yearly ER contracts and support activities.
We have extensive experience in soil, groundwater, and debris contamination. An in-depth investigation can be implemented to delineate a contamination plume. The discovered hazardous or nonhazardous concerns are analyzed and an environmental report is developed comparing subsurface conditions to regulatory requirements, future liability, projected land use, and negative dollar impact of property value. NPN Environmental offers our clients the expertise of a geologist and hydrogeologist and our collective knowledge of the latest protocols to perform sampling to fully satisfy a diversity of contamination issues. Corrective action may include removal, in-situ treatment, engineered controls, or risk evaluation.
Our team performs remedial activities ranging from installing treatment systems to removal of hazardous or nonhazardous waste. We have experience performing lagoon, shooting range, and pigeon excrement cleanout. We collect and evaluate necessary data to provide the most diligent services possible for each project. Remediation cleanup goals are established based on our client’s ultimate objectives and with sensitivity to budget constraints.
NPN Environmental has successfully worked within Voluntary Cleanup Programs (VCP) and Brownfield guidelines to provide our clients with real-world solutions. NPN Environmental has enrolled in and completed numerous projects within Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) VCP along with several other State Brownfield programs. These projects include successful enrollment and issuance of “No Further Action” letters from state agencies. We assist in all aspects of regulatory NOVs including plan development, remediation, and reporting. Preparation of plans to meet requirements of Federal, State, and Local regulatory agencies is a strength of NPN Environmental’s remediation consulting team.